Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday Morning Remix: God's Extreme Makeover

Yesterday Pastor Gary talked about God's Extreme Makeover. He talked about the wholistic makeover God intends for all of us.

Three issues surrounding the makeover were:

1. A heart that is renewed daily.
2. A heart that is grateful for his grace.
3. A heart that takes delight in being just like the Father.

What stuck out most to me was Pastor Gary's thought on salvation: God is looking for you before we even consider Him. This is one of the pillars of John Wesley's thought on salvation: God is at work before we have ever thought about God. (He called it "prevenient grace" which just means, "Grace that goes before....") Amazing to think that God is working on our behalf in situations that we haven't even thought about yet! Amazing that God is "making over" individuals who may not have stepped in a church door, prayed, or even thought about God!

Any other thoughts on the sermon?

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