Monday, January 05, 2009

Don't eat sand

If you listen to the same radio stations I do, then you've heard an advertisement about using teachable moments in the lives of children. The ad presents a young woman at the beach with her child, talking about the water, the sand, and what makes them different. The mother says, "Oh, no, that's sand. We don't eat sand." (That's good advice no matter how old you are.) The ad finishes by saying something like, "Children are naturally curious. Take advantage of this attitude to create teachable moments in everyday living."

Yesterday Pastor Gary talked a little about childlike faith and that children are naturally trusting. Part of this is simple necessity because children are so completely dependent on others in authority. However, as the ad states, children are naturally curious; their trusting attitude is not one that asks no questions, but that asks *many* questions.

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