Monday, August 28, 2006

Introducing Monday Morning Remix

Scripture reading must be a communal effort. Talking with Jim Crenshaw yesterday, he suggested doing a post-sermon response. I have tried engaging with more people prior to the sermon, but his suggestion will hopefully close the circle: The sermon will be formed by and then considered by our community as a community. In my opinion, the sermon should be an introduction of God's Word to our community that we then dialogue and work through over the remaining week. Rather than the spiritual week ending on Sunday, let's pray we can recover Sunday as the beginning of the week and God's Word being that which sustains us all week.

So, here's the first installment of Monday Morning Remix, the opportunity to kick around, think through, disagree, affirm, implicate, etc. God's Word that was brought on Sunday. Too many efforts in Scripture reading have been dragged down by being overly serious and (gasp!) boring. The main rule for this effort is to have fun! :)


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