Thursday, March 26, 2009

What does God being in the change feel like?

The second insightful question I had after the service on Sunday was from my wife, Heather. She asked, "What does it feel like to have God in the change?" I thought this question very insightful because at times I think we over-interpret our emotional responses. For example, when we feel anxiety through times of serious illness, is that what God's presence feels like? Most would guess no, and so may interpret that anxiety as evidence of God's absence. I don't feel God because I feel anxiety. Now, it may or may not be true that anxiety shows God's absence (I'm inclined to think No), but it's still an open question.

Any thoughts on what God being in the changing world would feel like for individuals? Is it peace? Hope? Optimism? Joy?


Anonymous said...

A very interesting question! There probably isn't one answer. I think of Jesus who was obviously very close to God and in His deepest struggle did NOT feel complete peace/joy/etc. I think sweating blood might connotate a bit of anxiety. I suppose he always felt trust, though. That He could entrust himself to the Father and trust that God was (is) trustworthy and purely good, no matter what his situation looked like. I'm not sure "trust" is an emotion, though... trustful? Trusty? :)

a_seed said...

Hey trust IS an emotion, or it has emotion in it, sort of sense of security, sort of peaceful, hard to describe, but it feels "good".