Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Morning Remix: Helping Others Grow

Yesterday Pastor Gary talked about helping each other grow.

Are there any stories in our community about people who have helped others grow? Let me share a quick one from my life.

While interning at a church in Michigan, I had the privilege of being mentored by my friend Peter. I grew a good amount through my time there, but it was mainly evident to me in my last two months spent there. Peter's philosophy of mentoring was "spend-time-together." I did everything he did. Helping each other grow can only happen after the hard work of investing time in one another. Sometimes the dividends are tough to see, but prayeful time spent together sows seeds that God's Spirit grows slowly and surely.

Make sure to have room in your life to spend time with those you want to become like and around those you want to become like you! (Those people can be kids, friends, coworkers...all are important, as Pastor Gary mentioned yesterday: We are all worth alot!)

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