Monday, October 30, 2006

Remix: Dangers of Community

Yesterday we talked about four practices that build relationships and community and the dangers these practices bring. The four practices were: Selflessness, humility, love, and forgiveness.

One thing that has stayed on my mind for a year or so, has been the importance of the "little things." I am a big picture person--I like to think long term. Long term thinking and hte little things go hand in hand. I think it's the little things that sow good prospects for the future, for the long term. So, think today of the little ways you can live into selflessness, humility, love, and forgiveness.

Any other suggestions for living out selflessness, love, humility, forgiveness?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Selflessness, love, humility and forgiveness need to be a part of who we are (being instead of doing) instead of tasks that we need to remind ourselves to do. And when we find ourselves challenged in one of these areas then go to the the gym and work it out. Excersizing Godly principles will make them automatic behaviours in our lives, just like brushing your teeth.