Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Faith, Hope, and Love

I find it interesting how Paul lumps faith, hope, and love together. In 1:4-5, he says that faith in Christ Jesus and love for the saints spring from hope that is stored in heaven. Many times we think that hope flows from believing in Christ, but here Paul says that our hope that we have heard about--being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ (verses 21-23)--leads to faith in/loyalty to King Jesus.

This is a necessary reminder for someone like me because I can become too introspective--Do I really have faith? Do I really believe? Is my heart really loyal? (And you thought you were the only one who asked these questions!) Instead of always examining my faith, Paul's note encourages me to look to Jesus, to look to the hope of reconciliation, and let faith develop from there.

What stories of reconciliation do you know that simply must have God in them?
What aspect of the faith do you find most "hopeful" in developing your faith?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure this exactly relates to your question, but today I met with "one of the least of these." It was someone who initially I wanted to ignore. (Think of that song.. for the 21st time.) But I perservered and listened. Often I was confused and wanted to run. Then I remembered that there could be other things God wanted me to learn here. As the time wore on, I agreed to help them, kind of a hedged "no".

As for the aspect of faith at work here -- love, wisdom, patience -- all of which I am sorely lacking.