Monday, January 16, 2006

Kingdom of God and repentance

Hey friends,

I am curious to hear of any thoughts and comments regarding yesterday's service. This can be a somewhat objective response--relating to style, structure, etc., or it can be more subjective--relating to God's Word confronting our church and our duty to be shaped by it. Even better, we can continue talking about repentance and Kingdom of God. Thoughts? It would be great to hear from some new people! Also, please sign a name to save me the time taken to search through the directory to decipher initials!!! :D


Anonymous said...

ap, I enjoyed yesterday's service very much - the interpersonal style - and understand now the control that you would have of the dialogue and that it would not create debating between the congregation and you. ( a previous concern since the evening of 1-1 ) I especially liked the readings done by people in the congregation and the music. :)
The only thing I was wondering about- and this is not a criticism in any way - was the absence of any mention of Martin Luther King - and I am not even sure if he has ever been mentioned in our church before at this time of year. (?)
We (my husband and I) were going to attend a special afternoon service yesterday (then he was too tired) or one this evening maybe..
Good job, and yes, God did use you in a special is a difficult subject and it was approached in a new and fresh way. I had the talk that I needed to have with God. :)

Aaron Perry said...

hey aw, thanks for the encouraging words. to be completely honest, i never gave any thought to MLK Jr. although it would have been appropriate.

meag--uh...i know that getting sermons and such online was mentioned, but have not yet reached that point, and may not for a long time (if ever). maybe anna could send one out.