Monday, January 30, 2006

What does 'Lord' mean?

Just finished talking about the real world. Had a good discussion with Marcia Lorraine about it, too. Anyway, this morning I read something on another blog that I think ties in quite well.

What do we think about when we hear the word, "Lord"? Typically, it carries negative overtones. Lord Vader...Lord of the "'lord' it over someone"...etc. (Excuse my Star Wars jargon!) Anyway, I think at times we do one of two things with Jesus: Either we make him our best friend who is just like us in everyway or we make a strict overseer. I think both are wrong, but have the seeds of truth, as well.

This morning I read a blog that I think combined the two wrong notions, taking their true and valuable points and excluding their negative, wrong, and weak ones. It talked about that "Jesus is Lord" carries with it the notion of "Lord for...." Jesus is Lord and his victory is given to us: So, Jesus' victory over sin carries with it his desire to be Lord over sin for us--to give us victory; his victory over racial barriers (Gal. 3:26-29) is for our victory in this way, etc. Now, this is much beyond a best friend who is in the same predicament we are in, and it is much different from a detached boss who abuses his/her power. This is a Lord who is for his subjects!

Let this notion of what it means to be Lord influence and change the negative thoughts that are something associated with it. Seeing what it means to be lord in this light is part of what it means to live in the real world ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this post can have a just comment:( I don't understand if you want us to explain how we feel about the word "Lord" or if you were just making a statement:) But maybe I can reply with a question can you give the link to the Blog that inspired this post?

Aaron Perry said...
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Aaron Perry said...

comments are welcome on anything--they can range from disagreement to agreement to clarification to addendums...